Twilight 暮光


 每處微小細節裡,藏著一段旋律和一抹光。停下腳步閱讀,感受時空中的流動,由明轉暗,白也染成黃。忙碌複雜的都市生活,家,成為最單純的安居所在。 除了攝影棚外,同時連結許多與地方 藝術 生活的各種面貌,不斷地在空間中發酵成為各種可能。沒有框架和設限,用低調的設計語彙,將生活的光影 細節的美麗,凝結在每一刻的空間裡。

“Sunlight spills, noise fades away,Naturally stepping into the tranquil corner.”

Within every tiny detail, a melody and a trace of light are concealed. Pausing to read, one can feel the flow of time and space, the transition from brightness to darkness, as even white grew yellow. Amidst the busy and complicated city living, home becomes a purest abode, a place to stay in.

面積|16坪 (52.8m²) 用途住宅 居住成員|2 屋況新成屋

Twilight 暮光



“Sunlight spills, noise fades away,Naturally stepping into the tranquil corner.”

Within every tiny detail, a melody and a trace of light are concealed. Pausing to read, one can feel the flow of time and space, the transition from brightness to darkness, as even white grew yellow. Amidst the busy and complicated city living, home becomes a purest abode, a place to stay in.

面積|16坪 (52.8m²)



