Sēn yi 森一空間
「某些想像 日常 生活的光景 天馬行空的創造力,」
除了攝影棚外,同時連結許多與地方 藝術 生活的各種面貌,不斷地在空間中發酵成為各種可能。沒有框架和設限,用低調的設計語彙,將生活的光影 細節的美麗,凝結在每一刻的空間裡。
“Imaginative, everyday life, willful creativity,”
If you want to describe a space in words, then Sen Yi will be the place where the pure white is neat and elegant, but it is rich in all the interests of life. Leaving a large area of pure white between the measuring bodies, a long ribbon of seamless walls makes the space a clean canvas. As a space with photography as the majority direction, bright light surrounds the entire room, and the curved streamline sense allows the entire space to be connected into a tension But it is accompanied by a peaceful atmosphere of endless imagination.
In addition to the studio, many various facets of local plan, art, life are connected in this place. and it is constantly fermented in the space to become various possibilities. There is no frame and limit, the way with low-key design, the beauty of the light and shadow details of life is condensed in the space of every moment.
面積|75坪 (247.5m²) 用途|攝影棚、活動租借場所 原況|彰化市政府閒置辦公空間
Sēn yi 森一空間
「某些想像 日常 生活的光景 天馬行空的創造力,」
除了攝影棚外,同時連結許多與地方 藝術 生活的各種面貌,不斷地在空間中發酵成為各種可能。沒有框架和設限,用低調的設計語彙,將生活的光影 細節的美麗,凝結在每一刻的空間裡。
“Imaginative, everyday life, willful creativity,”
If you want to describe a space in words, then Sen Yi will be the place where the pure white is neat and elegant, but it is rich in all the interests of life. Leaving a large area of pure white between the measuring bodies, a long ribbon of seamless walls makes the space a clean canvas. As a space with photography as the majority direction, bright light surrounds the entire room, and the curved streamline sense allows the entire space to be connected into a tension But it is accompanied by a peaceful atmosphere of endless imagination.
In addition to the studio, many various facets of local plan, art, life are connected in this place. and it is constantly fermented in the space to become various possibilities. There is no frame and limit, the way with low-key design, the beauty of the light and shadow details of life is condensed in the space of every moment.
面積|75坪 (247.5m²)